Upcoming Events
For over 35 years, Infocast events continue to provide essential industry information, drive innovation, and connect leading professionals to make successful deals happen.
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For the California Energy Transition Summit we have invited an unparalleled faculty of California policy makers, regulators, utility executives, renewable and dispatchable generation developers, financiers and other experts to provide the best available information on what the California energy markets will look and act like. The meeting will provide in-depth analysis of up-to-the-minute policy, plans and initiatives regarding resource adequacy; grid upgrades; project siting, and interconnection. It will lay out information crucial to best meeting the shifting needs of California’s commercial, industrial, and retail customers and energy buyers.
Clean Energy Investment
Infocast’s Clean Energy Investment Summit will bring together experts, investors, and capital sources to assess the booming opportunities for new investments in the energy transition and provide a clear look at the potential market size and profitability for various asset classes. The meeting will feature leading investors from across the asset spectrum who will discuss their goals and strategies for prioritizing the sector’s wide range of opportunities.
Energy Storage Finance & Investment brings together the entire storage community, including leading developers, tax equity investors, lenders, capital and debt providers, tax advisors, market analysts, offtakers, and more, to provide a deep dive into today’s cutting-edge approaches for finance and investment across the full range of markets and business strategies in this dynamic sector.
Midcontinent Energy Summit
The inaugural Midcontinent Energy Summit will deliver insights into the current state of the region’s renewables transition, the policies and regulations surrounding transmission and interconnection, how new projects are getting financed and developed, and future predictions for the best opportunities and strategies for capitalizing on the clean energy markets.
Mountain West Renewables
Mountain West Renewables is organized to let you hear directly from the region’s leading energy decision makers and executives from utilities, local governments, and LSE’s. They will come together with the regions’ leading renewable development and finance communities to network and exchange the latest on the state and future of the Mountain West energy markets.
NY Energy Summit is designed to let you hear the latest from a definitive group of New York policymakers, regulators, utility executives, developers, independent power producers and financiers. They will provide the best available discussion of the policies, plans, initiatives, opportunities and obstacles that will shape the Empire State’s energy landscape in 2025 and beyond.
PowerUp Data Centers will examine the thorny tariff and other policy decisions that must be made to balance the use of collocated power generation with the huge investments in transmission infrastructure desperately needed to maintain reliable electric service. It will lay out the roles that wind, solar, storage, gas-fired generation, microgrids, and nuclear power can play in meeting the enormous (and remarkably near term) demands of hyperscale data centers. And what will the deals, contracts and other arrangements for such power supplies look like?
Infocast’s RNG & SAF Capital Markets Summit returns to Houston bringing together the best assemblage of equity investors and debt providers to the sector, along with senior executives from project development platforms, feedstock and resource owners, offtakers and the participants and suppliers who need to understand today’s cutting-edge developments in financing successful RNG & SAF projects.
Our unified Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit will gather a who’s who for phenomenal deal-making and strategizing opportunities to capitalize on today’s booming renewables market: with more space for meetings, expanded scope of topics, and the option to arrive early and take advantage of the luxury surroundings and amenities. Get more at 2025’s renewables event of the year!
Southeast Renewable Energy is the ONLY conference covering this burgeoning market that gets “everyone in the room” from across the entire region. Featuring key state policymakers, critical decision-makers, leading utility executives, financiers and renewable energy players, the event does a critical survey of the most dynamic states in the region — including North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Gulf States — to provide definitive updates on the issues you will need to understand to seize the very best opportunities.
Tax Credits & Transferability
Tax Credits & Transferability has brought together the markets’ leading practitioners, sponsors, and investors to get attendees 100% up to speed on today’s most important issues in this exceedingly dynamic space. You will get critical insights on the development of the transfer market, how to best meet and document compliance with new domestic content, PWA, and energy community requirements, and the ins and outs of tapping into funding through 45Q, 45V, 45X, and 45Z credits, and more.
Texas Clean Energy
The Texas Clean Energy Summit is the best place to meet and learn from policy makers, as well as the state’s most active developers, asset owners, QSEs, offtakers, financiers, investors, and other key players. This remarkable group will discuss the booming opportunities and looming challenges in today’s renewables environment.
To provide the up-to-date and detailed analysis of these new dynamics that every power industry player needs, Infocast has organized Transmission & Interconnection Summit. This event will continue our decades-long tradition of bringing together the critical policymakers, senior executives, major stakeholders, and leading industry experts who are actively at the forefront of the efforts to provide their insights, different perspectives, and the most authoritative discussion of policies available.
Infocast has specifically designed this remarkable new program, Zero Carbon Power, for this exact moment. The event, designed in conjunction with business, financial and policy experts will lay out the status and outlook for the projects and tax credits under the new political regime, will help developers understand where offtakers are less price sensitive about decarbonization, will let investors and capital providers share their perspectives on where they think decarbonization projects will have the most attractive economics and lowest risks, and sketch out a path for the development of these projects over the next decade as technologies and conditions evolve.