How to Enhance Customer Engagement in the Texas Power Market HEADER


The Public Utility Commission of Texas has been exploring changes to price formation in ERCOT’s market. What would the impacts to customers be for the proposed changes that include real-time co-optimization of energy and ancillary services, marginal losses, and locational reserves? What advantages could ERCOT’s unique “energy only” market, with an Operating Reserves Demand Curve for resource adequacy, bring for customers? Will alignment with other successful market features pave the way for new opportunities?

The webinar will identify key benefits of potential market reforms and how they can be leveraged to engage and communicate with customers in the Texas power market.

Utilities across the U.S. are trying to with customers to further engage with customers, offering more products and service than simply delivering power and how this can be deployed in Texas.

Learn how both information and technology can enhance customer engagement to increase participation in the and improve the marketing of services.

Laura Manz

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