Mexico Hotel Finance & Investment Summit - Presented by Infocast Mexico Hotel Finance & Investment Summit - Infocast
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Capitalize on Growing Investment Opportunities for New Hotel Developments Fueling Mexico’s Booming Tourism Industry

This prime networking event will focus on the major developments in leisure, business and cultural travel in Mexico, industry economic drivers, and opportunities and trends shaping the hotel market. Hear key industry players discuss vital considerations when investing in Mexico from understanding the regulatory framework needed to navigate in country to getting updated on connectivity and security issues. You will also get the latest on financing vehicles for your project and emerging technologies to consider when developing a hotel.

Join hotel developers, investors, hotel chains, and government representatives from across the entire hospitality spectrum in the emerging business hub of LATAM, to network and establish the critical relationships that will pave the way for tourism growth in Mexico.

Receive everything you need to know about investing in the hotel industry in Mexico!

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