state policies webinar HEADER


A topic the electric industry has debated for years: Can state policies and wholesale electricity markets work together?

State regulators and policymakers have continued to dissect this ongoing issue, specifically how new state policies impact and interact with wholesale power markets. Many recognize the value of wholesale power markets and the benefits of unifying policy initiatives with these markets. Others have argued that state policies and subsidies are essentially incompatible with competitive markets which rely on market signals to inform decisions about entering and exiting markets.

Join us for a comprehensive and high-level discussion addressing the biggest debate in electricity markets to date.

This webinar will examine the following:

  • What is the impact state generation policies have on price formation?
  • Can state energy goals coexist with wholesale power markets?
  • When do states cross the line of Federal preemption?
  • What is FERC’s role in ensuring competitive price signals or does it have one?

This webinar is a preview of what will be discussed in our upcoming Mid-Atlantic Power Summit, October 23 – 25, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA.

Stuart A. Caplan

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