Transmission Summit West - Presented by Infocast
  • Clean energy mandates set the stage for major transmission investment and upgrades in the West

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Come hear about the sweeping transmission upgrades, planning efforts, and expansion initiatives taking place to integrate renewables in the west.

Transmission Summit West 2019 will bring together regulators, utilities, and transmission developers to explore new approaches to regional coordination, examine the emerging business models that will enable needed investments, and answer the key questions that will govern future transmission development:

  • How much investment in new transmission lines, storage and other technologies is necessary to realize state goals?
  • What demands will EIM expansion into day-ahead markets make on transmission, and are there lessons to be learned from how SPP integrates renewables?
  • What’s the status of transmission projects aimed at connecting remote renewables to load centers?
  • How will revised IRP processes impact transmission planning?
  • What impacts will the threat of wildfires and other climate events have on system hardening, technology deployment and transmission operations?

Plus, attend the Executive Briefing Optimizing Renewable Integration Planning in the West to learn how to best adapt to transmission’s shifting role, gain an understanding of the regulatory outlook, and strategize transmission planning processes.

Interested in Speaking at Transmission Summit West?

Contact Katherine Blair
[email protected]
818-888-4445 ext 22

Interested in Sponsoring Transmission Summit West?

Contact Jeffrey Shapiro
[email protected]
818-888-4445 ext 65

Featured Speakers

Participating Organizations

  • 8minutenergy
  • Ameren Transmission
  • American Wind Energy Association
  • Ampacimon
  • Arizona Energy Consortium
  • Arizona Public Service
  • Avangrid
  • Avista Utilities
  • Barnard Construction Company, Inc
  • Black & Veatch Management Consulting, LLC
  • Bonneville Power Administration
  • Burns & McDonnell
  • CTC Global
  • California Independent System Operator
  • California Public Utilities Commission
  • Citigroup, Inc.
  • Citizens Energy
  • Clean Coalition
  • Community Choice Partners, Inc.
  • ConnectGen LLC
  • Duke Energy Transmission Holdings
  • E&E News
  • EDF Renewables
  • EIM Governing Board
  • ENN
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • Environmental Planning Group, LLC
  • Eversheds Sutherland LLP
  • Ferreira Construction Company, Inc.
  • First Solar
  • GridLiance West
  • Hecate Energy, LLC
  • Hecate Grid
  • Henkels & McCoy
  • Hubbell Power Systems, Inc.
  • Idaho Power Company
  • Idaho Public Utilities Commission
  • John Hancock
  • LS Power Development, LLC
  • Lindsey Manufacturing Co.
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
  • Midcontinent Independent System Operator
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Navigant Consulting, Inc
  • New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
  • Northwest Energy Coalition
  • Oak Strategic, Inc.
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Pattern Energy
  • Public Service Commission of Utah
  • Puget Sound Energy
  • RTO Insider
  • Renewable Northwest
  • Rosendin Electric, Inc.
  • SAM, LLC
  • Salt River Project
  • San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Snell & Wilmer
  • Southern California Edison
  • Southern Power Company
  • Southwestern Power Group
  • Starwood Energy Group
  • State Grid Corporation of China, US Office
  • Stoel Rives, LLP
  • Terracon Consultants, Inc.
  • TransCo. Energy, LLC
  • TransWest Express
  • Utah Clean Energy
  • Utility Dive
  • WATT Coalition
  • WECC
  • WSP
  • Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
  • WestConnect
  • Western Area Power Administration
  • Western Interstate Energy Board
  • Wyoming Public Service Commission
  • Xcel Energy


Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Supporting Organization


The Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch
7700 East McCormick Parkway
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
(480) 991-9000

Room Rate: $209.00 ($29 Resort Fee Waived)
Reservation Call-In #: (800) 540-0727
Reservation Weblink: Click Here
Reservation Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2019
Group Name: Infocast
Group Code: G-6WJT

**WARNING: Please do not book any guest rooms with 3rd Party Housing Companies for this event. Infocast does not partner with outside housing companies, so we advise that you only book guest rooms at the hotel using the details provided above.**


Ali Amirali



Kathleen Anderson


Johnny Casana


Melanie Frye


Cynthia B. Hall


Thad LeVar


Craig Lewis


Laura Manz

Navigant Consulting, Inc.

John Prescott

Energy Imbalance Market Governing Board

Kristine Raper


Charlie Reinhold


Mary Throne

Wyoming Public Service Commission

Louis Ting


Charlie Vartanian

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Sarah Wright

Utah Clean Energy

Burns & McDonnell


At Burns & McDonnell, our engineers, construction professionals, architects, planners, technologists and scientists do more than plan, design and construct. With a mission unchanged since 1898 — make our clients successful — our more than 13,500 professionals partner with you on the toughest challenges, constantly working to make the world an amazing place. Each professional brings an ownership mentality to projects at our 100% employee-owned firm, which has safety performance among the top 5% of AEC firms. As dedicated owners, we work through challenges until they’re resolved, meeting or exceeding our clients’ goals. We apply this commitment to our communities, too. We live and work in the same cities you call home, so we share a passion to keep them strong and healthy. From fundraising events and community cleanups to educational outreach and mentorship — especially when it comes to sharing our passion for STEM — our professionals work to make our communities thrive.

CTC Global


CTC Global Corporation, based in Irvine, California developed, tested and produces the composite core used in ACCC® Bare Overhead Conductors. The ACCC Conductor, produced in association with 25+ international stranding partners, leverages advanced carbon fiber technology to help improve the efficiency, capacity, reliability and resiliency of electric power grids worldwide. The ACCC Conductor offers greater strength, higher capacity and lower line losses compared to any other bare overhead conductor on the market today. Line loss reductions range from 25 to 40% or more. Reduced line losses not only reduces fuel consumption and associated emissions, it also frees up generation capacity that is otherwise wasted. For more information visit our website or call +1(949)428-8500. To date, over 80,000 km of ACCC Conductor has been deployed to more than 700 projects in 50 countries.

Lindsey Manufacturing Co.


LINDSEY offers SMARTLINE, the next generation Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) system providing dispatchable line capacity forecasts from 1-hour to 1-week ahead. SMARTLINE provides both thermal-limit and electrical clearance compliant ratings, simple live-line installation, and exceptionally reliable communications. Lindsey Emergency Restoration System (ERS) structures have been key to transmission grid resilience for over three decades. ERS structures are reusable modular, easily transportable transmission towers that may be pre-staged for rapid response to tower collapse. Interchangeable parts make them ideal for utility asset sharing programs.  ERS structures are also used for routine construction and maintenance projects.



Rosendin Renewable Energy Group brings its experience and capabilities as a diversied union electrical contractor to its role as an established full-service solar EPC. Having installed over 5GW of solar across the US, utilizing various technologies across rooftop, canopy, and ground-mount installations. The RREG also provides in-house design-build solutions for MV collection systems, turnkey substations, transmission installations, and battery storage systems for all types of renewable energy projects.



Ampacimon uses high-end sensors and data analytics to optimize the operation of the world’s most critical energy infrastructure. As a global leader in electricity grid monitoring for overhead lines and underground cables, Ampacimon has deployed the largest number of dynamic line rating systems in the world. Our patented technologies increase the capacity of existing transmission and distribution systems, monitor critical asset health conditions, and identify mechanical and electrical faults of overhead lines.

Clean Coalition


The Clean Coalition is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and a modern grid through technical, policy, and project development expertise. The Clean Coalition drives policy innovation to remove barriers to procurement and interconnection of distributed energy resources (DER) – such as local renewables, advanced inverters, demand response, and energy storage – and we establish market mechanisms that realize the full potential of integrating these solutions. The Clean Coalition also collaborates with utilities and municipalities to create near-term deployment opportunities that prove the technical and financial viability of local renewables and other DER.

Energy Central Power Industry Network


Energy Central is a platform for electric power industry professionals to connect, learn and share in a collaborative community environment. Supported by leading industry organizations, our mission is to help industry professionals connect and advance knowledge sharing for the benefit of the industry. We help the industry work better. Join Energy Central today and be part of a growing community of over 200,000 registered members.

Energy News Network


The Energy News Network is a nonprofit news site dedicated to keeping stakeholders, policymakers, and citizens informed of the important changes taking place in the transition to a clean energy system. Launched in 2010 as Midwest Energy News, the Energy News Network now offers four regional services with plans to add two more in 2019. Southeast Energy News began in 2015, and Southwest and Northeast Energy News were added in 2018.

RTO Insider LLC


RTO Insider™ is your eyes and ears on the organized electric markets, putting you “inside the room” at PJM Interconnection, MISO, NYISO, ISO-NE and SPP. We provide independent, objective coverage and analysis of the wholesale electric industry’s markets and policymaking, saving you time and ensuring you don’t miss the issues most important to your interests.

Features include:

  • Coverage of key RTO/ISO committee, subcommittee and task force meetings. We’ll be there when you can’t.
  • Coverage of news events impacting the industry throughout the 35 states managed by the RTOs/ISOs.
  • Coverage of state and federal regulatory (FERC, EPA) & legislative news affecting RTO/ISO stakeholders.
  • Issue Briefs: Concise summaries of major issues (e.g., Order 1000, EPA’s 111(d) rule).

What RTO Insider isn’t: We are not advocates or representatives. You can trust that our coverage will not be slanted to the interests of any member or membership sector.

What RTO Insider is: A source for both the big picture (e.g. analyses of major FERC rulings and RTO stakeholder developments) and the details (why is Manual 28 being changed and what does that mean to me?)

Utility Dive


Utility Dive covers industry news and provides original analysis on the latest happenings in utility and energy. Their mission is to provide busy executives with a bird’s-eye-view of the utilities industry in 60 seconds. With a mobile-optimized daily email newsletter, website, and app, Utility Dive keeps you informed on the go. You’ll get coverage of topics such as smart grid, energy efficiency, regulation and policy, grid security, distributed generation, renewable energy, and more.

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Summit Agenda

Pre-Summit Agenda