Smart Cities and Money - Presented by Infocast [ARCHIVE] Smart Cities and Money 2017 - Infocast
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Transforming the Future City from Concept to Reality

Smart City projects objectives are ambitious, technology and approaches here-to-fore untested. Pilots are underway and many are about to launch. To make this happen, these efforts need collaboration and financing. Traditional partnerships, players, financing, and funding are not currently meeting the need of these innovative, cutting edge, pilots, initiatives, and revolutionized services pursued.
However, different partnering dynamics and structure, new kinds of financing- from procurement to revenue generation, and innovative funding are raising up to solve the new monetary needs of these evolving kinds of municipal projects.
Infocast’s Smart Cities and Money event will provide a unique exploration of the current landscape and new approaches in funding, financing, and partnering dynamics and factors. Bringing together municipal leaders, private enterprise strategists, and innovators in finance and business models- this event creates not only a platform for discussions of current innovative practices being implemented, but also for players to discuss much needed next steps, and form strategies and partnerships specific to their own Smart City project development needs.

Interested in Speaking at Smart Cities and Money?

Contact Eden Meyer
[email protected]
818-888-4445 ex 15

Increase Brand Awareness and Connect with Attendees

Contact Maggie Trigueros
[email protected]
818-888-4445 ex 55

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Featured Speakers

Participating Organizations

  • 18F, TTS, GSA
  • Black & Veatch
  • Blandin Foundation
  • Cisco
  • City and County Of Denver
  • City and County Of San Francisco
  • City Innovate Foundation
  • City of Boston
  • City Of Centennial
  • City of Lone Tree
  • City of Los Angeles
  • City Of Minneapolis
  • City of San Leandro
  • City of South Bend
  • City of St Ann
  • Colorado DOT
  • CTC Technology & Energy
  • DC OP3
  • Denver South Economic Development Partnership
  • DOE
  • Ericsson
  • Gary Community Investments
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Macquarie Capital
  • Meridiam Infrastructure
  • MVP Capital
  • Ohio State University
  • Outfront Media
  • Panasonic
  • Patronicity
  • Quantified Ventures
  • Streetline
  • Think Big Partners
  • Town of Cary
  • University of Denver
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • Verizon


Sponsor Today!

To learn more about all the benefits of sponsoring this event, please contact Maggie Trigueros at [email protected] or call 818-888-4444 ext 55.


Supporting Organizations

Media Partners


The Curtis Hotel
1405 Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 571-0300
Room Rate: $149.00
Reservation Call In #: 303-571-0300
Cutoff Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Reference: Information Forecast or IFI


Michael Berube


Scott Cardenas


Jeremy M. Goldberg


Laura Melle


Otto Doll


Melanie Morgan


Tony Batalla


Terry Yates


Michelle Maggiore


Jason Hill


Bernadine Joselyn


Eric Letsinger


Manny Krakaris


Andrew Sriubas


Rob St. Mary




Parsons is a technology-driven engineering services firm with more than 70 years of experience in the engineering, construction, technical, and professional services industries. The corporation is applying its experience with intelligent transportation systems, systems integration, and cybersecurity to implement Smart City solutions for regional and local agencies around the world. Parsons understands how to implement innovative concepts through a variety of alternative delivery methods and has taken lead roles in design-build and public-private partnerships throughout North America.

All across the world, at every time of day, Parsons is keeping people moving toward a brighter, safer world. For more about Parsons, please visit


Baller Stokes & Lide, PC


Baller Stokes & Lide, PC, is a national law firm based in Washington, DC.  It represents clients in a wide range of communications matters in more than 35 states.  Working regularly with teams of engineering, financial, tax, marketing and other specialists, the Firm helps clients prepare comprehensive telecommunications plans; develop advanced communications systems; comply with all pertinent federal, state and local legal requirements; identify and evaluate potential strategic partners and negotiate cooperative relationships with them; draft integrated right-of-way and zoning ordinances, franchises, licenses, permits, contracts, forms and other related documents; negotiate pole, duct, conduit, fiber, and tower agreements; obtain funding and implement award conditions; and prepare technical, financial and performance audits and reviews.  Baller Stokes & Lide is the only law firm in the United States to be named to the Broadband Communities Fiber-to-the-Home Top 100 each year from 2012 through 2016,

Cleantech San Diego


Cleantech San Diego is a nonprofit member organization that positions the greater San Diego region, including Imperial County, as a global leader in the cleantech economy. The organization achieves this by fostering collaborations across the private-public-academic landscape, leading advocacy efforts to promote cleantech priorities, and encouraging investment in the San Diego region.

Cleantech San Diego’s membership includes more than 100 local businesses, universities, governments, and nonprofits committed to advancing sustainable solutions for the benefit of the economy and the environment.

Smart Cities Council


Developed by the Smart Cities Council, the recognized leader in smart cities education, Smart Cities Week highlights best practices breaking down barriers to progress and instilling a culture of collaboration — cross-cutting solutions that public officials can use to create a holistic, integrated approach to improve livability, workability and sustainability in their communities. Building off the success of last year’s inaugural event, Smart Cities Week will continue to connect city leaders to technology solutions for the challenges they face in meeting the needs of their citizens while being agile, responsive, resilient and sustainable. City leaders will have an opportunity to see, hear and experience the next wave of innovative, integrated technologies that are already helping cities around the world become more compassionate, connected and sustainable.

Women in Transportation (WTS)


GSC3 City


GSC3 contributes to long term sustainable and resilient cities and communities around the world. We do that by initiating and facilitating international collaborative partnerships that will bring the best solutions from around the globe.

Mind Commerce


Mind Commerce is your trusted source for research and strategic analysis focused on digital technologies and the telecommunications industry.  Our reports provide key trends, projections, and in-depth analysis for infrastructure, platforms, devices, applications, services, emerging business models and opportunities.

Smart Cities Insider


At Smart Cities Insider, our mission is to bring awareness on current challenges in urban environment and their smart solutions. We believe in inspiring with expert information and exposing best practices that enable socially and environmentally responsible, healthy and prosperous cities.

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Main Summit Agenda

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